Keyskirt® – Size 4 Chute Sealing System
- An effective Skirtboard sealing system designed to control spillage at conveyor load areas.
- Suitable for all belt conveyors from 1200mm belt width upwards carrying material less than 75mm particle size.
- Patented mounting track system results in simplified installation and subsequent skirt rubber replacement.
- Self-cleaning grooves trap spillage allowing it to be carried away by the belt.
- Low contact area reduces wear and friction.
- No adjustment is required.
- A continuous flexible seal accommodates belt movement.
- Colour coding for easy skirt grade identification.
- The boltless mounting track option is available for corrosive applications.
- Quick-release handles allow quick removal of damaged or worn skirting without the use of hand, or power tools.
Categoría: Chute Sealing Systems
Etiquetas: Keyskirt®, Raspadores y Limpieza, Sistema de sellado de tolva tamaño 4, Size 4 Chute Sealing System