Prima Pipe

Belts speci cally designed for tubular conveyors


PRIMA PIPE belts provide a solution to the requirements of tubular conveyors. Their speci c design delivers just the right degree of rigi- dity to prevent the tube from collapsing during the transportation of materials as well as su icient exibility to enable it to open as nee- ded for loading and unloading the belt.

PRIMA PIPE belts are available in textile or metal versions, each meeting the requirements of di erent operating conditions and ap- plications. In order to ensure that the chosen belt is the right one for your conveyor system, our engineering service is at your disposal for advice on this choice.

Información adicional


1.- Se adapta a los transportadores curvos
2.- Evita la pérdida de material
3.- Protege el entorno próximo al transportador